This newsletter features weekly musings about life, career, identity, and behaviour by a questioning African centennial. To get it in your inbox every week, subscribe here ⬇️
Today, I’m not writing about any new thought or idea.
I know this may be crushing for you who takes time out of your Sunday to read my newsletter, and I’m very sorry.
But I need to make sure I’m okay to be able to give you my very best. I’ve taken the past few days off to deal with a few things in my life that are weighing heavily on my mental and emotional well-being.
I’ll be back next week with more content for you. I promise.
Consider this a reminder from the universe to take care of yourself.
Instead of overextending yourself, be kind. Take a break, sit back, and breathe.
Above all else, YOU are your #1 priority. Treat yourself as such.
See you next week!
- Arinze ❤️